Site icon SouthernCross Construction


At SouthernCross Construction Inc., John and Josh deeply care for each and every employee. They are committed to sending everyone home every night free from injury. They also believe strongly that a safe project results in a productive project. As such, SouthernCross has invested heavily in safety, by hiring veteran Jamie Olive on to head up the initiative. Jamie is a retired firefighter/medic, and an NC State certified fire instructor. During his tenure as a firefighter, he has had extensive training in trenches and confined spaces and firsthand experience from the aftermath of construction accidents throughout his EMS/Firefighter career.

Then by instigating a corporate safety policy adhered to and managed by Jamie. His daily visits to each project help the foreman and superintendents identify possible hazards before they occur.

Additionally, SouthernCross believes that training and education are essential. This is why we provide a training facility within our office that is utilized regularly. We have a multilingual interpreter to ensure that every one of our employees understands their role in safety and how to avoid injury.

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